Monday, April 14, 2008

Noam Chomsky Say

There are real and very serious civil and human rights issues, but the
Western reaction is pure hypocrisy. I've been bringing it up in talks and
interviews. Just to take one of many relevant examples, at the same time as
the recent repression in Tibet, Israel killed over 120 people in Gaza and
continued its atrocities in the West Bank, as always with strong US backing,
and EU silence. True, the US-Israel had a pretext, but it wasn't remotely
as strong as China's pretext in Tibet. Suppose that Palestinians rioted in
Jerusalem, killing many Jews, burning down Jewish stores and banks, etc. No
need to imagine the reaction-- with Western support. And that's illegally
occupied territory, not part of Israel. That's no defense of China's
actions. Rather, a comment on Western hypocrisy, which reeks to the skies.
Including the media of course, but it goes far beyond.

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