Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New President Time

Yup Yup, time to vote. I will be very excited to see the results. I am probably going to go to bed before all the results come in, but I want to wake up tomorrow to headlines like "Obama wins bigtime!"

Also, Massachusetts residents will be voting on whether or not to get rid of the state income tax. I don't think that's a good idea. It's not a planned decrease in the budget where we have this extra money that we don't know what to do with. In which case, it is completely unclear what will happen, whether property taxes and sales taxes would simply go up, which ultimately hurts lower income people more, especially in terms of what services they get in return for their money, or whether they would just cut a shitton of programs, which also hurts lower income people more. If there should be any decrease in taxes, it should be in sales tax or MAYBE federal income taxes since I think the DOD is wasting my money.


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