Saturday, March 22, 2008

Obama Statement about Taiwan Presidential Election

Taiwan elected a KMT president Ma, who promises closer ties with the mainland.

Obama put out a statement calling on China to do certain things, but reiterated that the US supports the One-China policy. I think he made a good statement

I hate it when white people get all pro-Taiwan, though. I'm sorry, but people need to understand that being pro-Taiwan just proves to Chinese people that the US has an agenda against it, and it only encourages China to be aggressive. If you really care about peace, you wouldn't be pro Taiwan independence OR Tibetan independence, for that matter.

"But the Bush administration has also been irritated by the reluctance of Nationalists in the legislature to vote for purchases of American weapon systems, including systems that President Bush offered for sale in 2001 but that Taiwan still has not bought"

HAHA, good for them!

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