Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Today I was thinking about how I am prejudiced against white Christians. I think it's because they traumatized me when I was a kid. Haha. Well, they tried to convert me all the time because otherwise I'd go to Hell. When I was little, before I knew what God or religion were, other little kids would ask me if I believe in God. I said 'no' a couple times but people reacted badly so I just started saying 'yes'. Later, in middle school I started telling people I'm Buddhist because people knew about freedom of religion, but you still had to have a religion.

I'm not really prejudiced against black Christians, though, because they don't try to convert me, and also they sing gospel music.

But seriously, I was thinking about recommending this girl to this company but then I saw on her Facebook profile that she was a fervent Christian, and then I didn't want to recommend her anymore because ew. I wonder if it is unfair. She isn't that Christian in person.

1 comment:

I, Lynnbot said...

Well. I'm pretty prejudiced against white Christians. I'm pretty against most religions, because they make people do stupid things. And also because I just don't think there is a god. Why do I have to believe in one? Will that make me a better person? And an argument against moderately religious people is that they make it okay to be religious. Let's say you grow up in a moderately religious community, and you read the Bible, and it is way more strict than your community, and you're confused about it. You choose either to listen to the Bible or to your moderate church. Sometimes people listen to the Bible. And how can you argue against that? It's the Holy book of the Christian religion. Anyway listening to the Bible makes you a fundamentalist. But, as this Swedish guy I talked to once said, "Once you've read the Bible, you've gotta be Atheist!" It was quite hilarious.

I like Obama also because I think he's secretly a non-believer (although I think Hillary is too) and so he's very inclusive of non-believers in his discourse on faith. Because the way he describes religion is more on the level of that "something else" missing in one's life, rather than a serious God staring down at you in the sky.

But I guess a lot of people are into religious communities for the community aspect of it. For like a faith-sharing experience I guess. It's easier to bond with people when you all believe in the same god I guess. But that doesn't mean he's real... So you shouldn't kill people for him. Basically. You should read Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer, because he is an amazing writer. And it is about evil Mormons, so it's okay to read. As in, people will be more accepting of Mormons doing stupid things than Christians. I guess that's coz there are more Christians around. But Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the Western hemisphere.

When I was like 10 or 11, I went to this Chinese people party that my mom's coworker was having. Except it was a religious party, and the adults were talking about how they found God. My parents didn't understand this concept. Anyway, I was hanging out with a boy my age, and at one point I asked him if he believed in God, because it just seemed so silly that people could just believe in it so easily. But he said yes, and I pestered him some more about it. But he seemed to get uncomfortable about me questioning his faith. So I stopped.

Anyway that's all I have to say about it. it's not really prejudice. Maybe it is. But I think it's okay. Some super Christians are pretty chill. This one guy in my house is super chill, and doesn't seem Christian at all, but has worship all over his facebook, and wants to be a pastor. So I guess if she's super normal, then it's okay. Just so long as they don't try to convert people all the time, or talk about their religion. But I guess if you really did believe that all non-believers would go to Hell, you really would try your best to convert everyone.